When visitors search for products on an e-commerce site, a poor search experience can lead to frustration, abandonment, and lost revenue. Refyn provides an intelligent site search solution that not only improves user experience but also helps website owners track search performance and recover potential lost sales.
How Refyn Works
The journey starts when a visitor enters a search query using the native site search. If the search results do not provide relevant items—or worse, if nothing is found — Refyn’s AI-driven search steps in to assist. At this moment, a session ID is created, allowing website owners to track user interactions in real time.
Every time a user interacts with the search box, Refyn records the event in its dashboard. This includes:
– The visitor’s search queries.
– The suggestions Refyn provides to improve search results.
– The number of searches that resulted in relevant products.
– The total shopping cart value influenced by Refyn.
Tracking Conversions and Sales Impact
One of the most powerful features of the Refyn Dashboard is its ability to track direct revenue impact. If a visitor was about to leave the site due to poor search results but stayed and made a purchase due to Refyn’s intervention, the total shopping cart value is sent to the dashboard. This allows e-commerce site owners to see exactly how much revenue Refyn has helped recover.
Refyn Dashboard Overview
Upon logging into https://dash.refyn.org/ , users are presented with a detailed analytics interface See demo on YouTube .
The dashboard provides insights such as:
– Search Performance Metrics: How many searches were successful vs. abandoned.
– User Behavior Tracking: Which queries led to conversions and which did not.
– Revenue Attribution: The total sales generated through Refyn’s smart search intervention.
Dashboard Features
Main Menu
– Account Information
– Projects
– My Profile
– Account settings and more
– My Activities
– Goals and notifications
– Recent Notifications
– Executive Reports
– Machine Learning
– User Tracking
– Stopwords
– Membership
Dashboard Zoom
– Daily
– Weekly
– Monthly
– Yearly
Dollar Value Graph
– Monthly Dollar Value
– Monthly Total Value
– Monthly Average Value
– Monthly Total Conversions
Users Activity
– Number of Conversions
– Chart of every click the user made until conversion
– User searched for AAA and selected BBB
– The chart shows circles with color to present if it was a native or Refyn suggestion
Monthly Top Searches
– Total Searches
– Total Products Found
– Conversions-Search Rate (%)
– Products-Search Rate (%)
Keywords Optimization
– Percentage
– Note: A Keyword is not optimized only when its value is $0.00 and it has no SEO
– Optimize Database
– Monthly New Keywords
– Monthly New Logs
Monthly Trending Keywords
– Word cloud (bigger font equals more impressions)
– Your total conversion value has increased by (date) in x%
– Your monthly dollar value increased by (date) in x%
Why Use Refyn?
For any e-commerce business, optimizing search functionality is critical. Refyn doesn’t just enhance search—it provides clear visibility into user behavior and helps site owners identify gaps in their product catalog. By capturing lost customers and improving search accuracy, Refyn ensures that every potential sale is maximized.